originally started out as our hackaway v6 project has been rewritten in go. a discord bot for playing competitive wordle. the project is currently in its alpha stages.
view cordle on githubview more projectsopen bot brain
an open source and hackable project to control robots. using a custom made board and firmware written in c using freertos to manage tasks.
view obb on githubroutey
a simple http router with some basic html templating for basic web development written in golang.
view routey on githubtuner
our hack sussex project! a real-time quiz game using you and your friends favourite songs on spotify.
view the tuner on githubview more projectsroyal hackaway website
working with other members of the committee to develop and deploy the royal hackaway v7 website.
view the royal hackaway website on githubuse the royal hackaway website hererusted attractors
exploring a variety of chaotic attractors in rust whilst using bevy to generate 3d shapes.
view rusted attractors on githubspotify wrapper
providing a variety of different spotify user statistics using the spotify api and svelte.
view spotify wrapper on githubuse spotify wrapper herehangman robot
group project using ev3 and lejos to create robots. our group created a robot you can play hangman against. this project used a client written in ruby and a server written in java.
view the hangman robot on github